
God’s Got Some Work for Me to Do

My blessings list will continue to grow. Seeing God’s hand in this has kept me in high spirits, despite my pain and the uncertainties ahead. God is faithful. We don’t always understand why things happen, and we don’t always get the answers from our prayers that we want. But, for whatever reason, He has put me on the fast track with this. I sometimes wonder why. Is it because something is going to happen to my parents soon and they won’t be able to take care of my kids and me? Is something going to happen to Michael? Is my condition progressing faster than normal and about to get a lot worse? My Chiropractor told me it doesn’t mean any of that. It means God needs you to get better because He has work for you to do!

I’m excited to see whatever work He is going to continue to do on this journey and ask for your continued prayer. PRAYERS are working!!!  The next biggest hurdle I will face is trying to get into surgery. Insurance approval usually takes a month. Dr. F. is so booked up with surgeries for other people that it can take up to three months after insurance approval to have surgery.

I’m in pain. I know the recovery from surgery is a long painful road. Everyone heals differently but your nerves have to completely regenerate. Anytime nerves grow, there is pain. That can take up to two years. I’m hoping that since I haven’t had these symptoms for years that maybe my nerve damage isn’t as severe and might heal faster. But, I will not be able to lift Jackson for 5 months after surgery. I will not be able to walk or get out of bed without a walker or drive for a month at the least. I will not be able to lift a gallon of milk for a month and gradually ten pounds per month thereafter. I will not be allowed to lift or bend my back for a long time because it can damage the nerves. I’m not saying this to be dramatic, but I’ve been told that this surgery is much worse than any regular back surgery such as disc fusions, rods put in your spine, treatment for disc herniations or shaving off spinal bone. The reason is not only because they are removing your sacrum, but also because they are operating ON the nerve root. This is not “back surgery.”  It is NERVE surgery. During the healing process, things can get worse before they get better. Since they are in there messing with your nerves, some patients develop new symptoms short term. Some get instant relief from some of their symptoms. But, surgery is NOT an instant fix.

Knowing all of this, I would rather be hurting knowing that I am healing rather than hurting knowing I am getting worse and facing a future of immobility. Let’s get it done!

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