
Difficult Seasons - Part 1

How do you handle difficult seasons? Why do they happen?  - Part 1

Even though I’ve been going through a difficult time with pain and my life being turned upside down, I’ve been in good spirits. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had a few pity parties along the way. But, then I move on. Mark my words. Someday, I’m going to have to come back and read my own words. It’s a struggle to stay positive and I know at some point I will have times when I will have to refocus.

You’ve probably heard the parable of the two wolves. Inside me there are two. The black one is viscous and mean and wants to destroy everything. The white wolf is filled with love and joy. Which dog wins in the fight? The one I feed the most. Feed your mind with positive thoughts. 

Here are a few things I’ve been doing to help me.  

1. Making a list of my blessings. No matter how bad things seem, by choosing to focus on the things I do have, it helps me to not sit around and focus on the negative. When I start to dwell on my problems, I get my blessings list out and remind myself of what I DO have. No matter how bad things get, they could always be worse. I remind myself that other people are struggling with diseases that are more serious than mine. Others face mountains of challenges that make mine look like molehills. These are the things I thank God for.

2. Laugh. Laughter is proven to help people in pain. Watch funny movies. Laugh with your kids. Laugh at your pet. Be around people who make you laugh. Whatever works for you.  Look back on things that have happened and laugh about it! Here’s a great example! I once saw someone who has to use a walker due to her condition. So, she dressed up as an old woman for Halloween and walked around with their walker! 

3. Making a list of people who I can pray for who are also struggling. Sometimes this disease feels isolating. Praying for others who are also in need helps me to turn my focus away from myself and dwelling on my own problems. I’ve seen God working in my situation and He can do the same for others. I am blessed to have so many people praying for me and I know without a doubt that there is power in prayer. When I pray for other people, it blesses me as well. If you have a different belief system, meditate and send them positive energy.

4. Making a journal of the things I’ve seen God do and when He has spoken to me. If this doesn’t apply to you or you have not experienced this, make a list of things that have happened that were beyond your control, but helped you. When we are going through pain, it’s like a dark cloud that surrounds us. Sometimes we can’t see outside of it and we forget the past. It’s easy to forget the times when we have felt God’s presence and heard his voice in our hearts.  When things are overwhelming, I take out that list and it reminds me that God is with me and He is faithful.

Stay tuned for part 2 of this series where I will discuss truths and myths about going through difficult times. 

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