
Catching Up is Hard to Do - So, let's do a video blog!

Catching up - Post-operative instructions,  information, and experience. Update on recovery and my current pain management regimen.


  1. I’m so thankful for all your information! I’m looking for all information that I cam find. Hopefully I can find you on YouTube.

  2. Thank you Sherri. I don't really even have a YouTube channel dedicated to Tarlov Cyst Disease. I need to get back to posting updates. After I got better, I started getting busy and didn't look at the the blog anymore. Do you have Facebook? There are several Tarlov Cyst support groups with members in the thousands. You will find a LOT of supportive cysters who are in all stages of life. They also have collections of documents and files. Many resources for learning, smart people who've been through this and have researched it for years. It always helped by to vent to people who understand and know you aren't alone.

  3. Natalie, thank you for the information! I’m so happy for you and that you’re doing well! I would do the same and not look back after this journey. I have joined the groups and have already found them to be very informative. Thank you again! Sherrie
