How Do you Handle Difficult Seasons - Part 4, God keeps performing miracles!
This is continuation of my series on Handling Difficult Situations. For Part 3 click here . “I have the strength within me to get throug...

Sharing my journey to encourage my fellow "cysters and mysters" and spread awareness about Tarlov Cyst Disease. There is no sugar coating it. This disease is nasty and life-robbing. Mixing some keepin' it real with a dash of spice, faith and humor. Let simmer for two years or until thoroughly cooked.
How Do you Handle Difficult Seasons - Part 4, God keeps performing miracles!
How Do You Handle Difficult Seasons. Part 3 - True or False
How Do You Handle Difficult Seasons. Part 3 - True or False
Continuing on in the series of difficult seasons , here is another phrase we commonly hear and contemplate. Is it True or False? These are...
A Great Morning
A Great Morning
I just had to say, I've had one of the best 4 days in 6 months today. There has been no rhyme or reason for it. I've done nothing di...
Shut up and Ride the Pig
Shut up and Ride the Pig
Piriformis Steroid Injection (Round 2) The last steroid injection I had into my right piriformis muscle was awesome...for the 3 days it...
I have a date!
I have a date!
Last week I got a call from Peg at Dr. Feigenbaum's office and we have the green light from my insurance to proceed with surgery! For ...
The Cut That Killed Me
The Cut That Killed Me
Well...I had planned on posting my part 3 of Myths and Facts about Difficult Season s, but life just hasn't worked out for that yet. ...
Return to Pain Management - Shots and Meds
Return to Pain Management - Shots and Meds
This past week, I returned to my pain management doctor. I was terrified. Due to a mental health condition that I have, the psychologist wh...
How do you handle difficult seasons? Why do they happen? - Part 2 True or False
How do you handle difficult seasons? Why do they happen? - Part 2 True or False
In today’s post, I’d like to continue discussing how we can handle difficult seasons. Our outlook and attitude makes all of the difference...
Difficult Seasons - Part 1
Difficult Seasons - Part 1
How do you handle difficult seasons? Why do they happen? - Part 1 Even though I’ve been going through a difficult time with pain and ...
Whatever Works
Whatever Works
Yesterday I had my first aquatic physical therapy session. I have to admit, I was scared to death. Scared to ride in the car. Scared to be ...
Grieving the Life that Was
Grieving the Life that Was
Yesterday was NOT a good day. When I said I was going to start a blog, and I wasn’t going to sugar coat it, I meant it. So, here you have...
Watching the World from the Inside Out
Watching the World from the Inside Out
Tomorrow is “Oween,” as Jackson says. Usually, I would be sharing the excitement with my boys right now. Tonight I would be helping them dec...
Addiction Verses Dependency and Why You Should Lock Up Your Meds!
Addiction Verses Dependency and Why You Should Lock Up Your Meds!
Of course one of the first questions I asked the Pain Management Doctor was, “Am I going to get addicted to pain pills?” The answer is, t...
The Motherload of Tarlov Cyst Research Articles - Access it Here
The Motherload of Tarlov Cyst Research Articles - Access it Here
I have created an open access folder where I am collecting all of the research articles that I can find related to Tarlov Cyst Disease...
Why it Sucks to Be a Pain Management Doctor or Patient
Why it Sucks to Be a Pain Management Doctor or Patient
In Tennessee, there are strict Chronic Pain Management Guidelines. First, doctors have to have you go through a screening process. T...