
Let’s Fly to Dallas Ya’ll!

During this trip, I had the incredible blessing of meeting two Tarlov “cysters.” God has miraculously put Anne in my life through a mutual friend. She has been an encouragement and given me lots of tips, both spiritually and physically. While we were in Dallas, we got to meet her and also see my old friend Nikki who I grew up with. After spending hours on the phone with Anne, it felt like I was meeting an old friend.  There is no doubt that God knew what He was doing when he led us together. It was very validating to see someone else laying on the couch asking their husband, “Honey, can you bring me that?”  The story of our lives! Michael has never doubted that I’m making this up in my head. But, still, I couldn’t resist laughing and saying, “See baby! I’m not making this up!”  I’m sure it was encouraging to Michael to know he isn’t the only husband out there who has to be a servant slave to his wife!

I also had connected with another cyster on the Tarlov Cyst Disease Facebook group and she is from Asheville. We don’t live too far away from each other, so after our ordeals are over, I know we will see each other again. Though we were both hurting and in pain, we still pushed through it to not miss the opportunity to meet each other. She is also a woman of strong faith and we all help each other through battling this nasty disease. We both sat on our tush cushes at the Gas Monkey Bar and Grill and shared how this disease had affected us. We prayed before our meal and, again, God’s presence was with us. It was a great comfort to meet another friend who understood firsthand what I was going through.

I have to say, even though ALL of my TC friends warned me, I was not mentally prepared for the toll this trip would have on my body. I can’t explain how I felt. I knew beforehand I couldn’t do much and had to stay in bed most of the time and only leave the house when absolutely essential or I would have a nasty backlash. But, for some reason there was still a disconnect in my mind. I was disappointed that I couldn’t handle it like I normally would and had unrealistic expectations. It was definitely a wakeup call, that even though I feel ok sometimes when I’m in bed, I’m not. The impact of pushing myself too hard not only leads to pain and fatigue, but intense muscle spasms. While we were in Dallas, I had to see something! I mean, how can you travel to Dallas twice and not say you’ve seen a single thing!?! So, we drove by where JFK was assasinated and ate lunch in the art district. After that we went to the Gas Monkey Garage from the show Fast and Loud (Sorry, I’m a girl. I had no idea what this show was.) As we were crossing the street, the guy from the show literally almost hit Michael when he was trying to turn in. We bought some souvenirs for the kids since Conner is a fan of the show too. Every other minute in Dallas I spent in the hotel room bed. On our way home from the airport, my legs were weak and unstable and would shake when I stood or walked. The worst was when we were waiting for our flight and my legs began shaking uncontrollably. Like NUTS! I’m sure people probably thought I was some kind of drug addict or something. Especially since I had this nice big bruise on my arm from my MRI with contrast injection gone wrong. I’d push them down to make them stop, but then my calf muscles would shake just as badly. Even my hands were shaking. Luckily, it calmed down after about an hour.

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